5 Month Old Fighting Naps: How To Create A Soothing Environment For Baby To Nap

It’s common for babies around 5 months old to start fighting naps because they are becoming more aware of their surroundings and want to stay awake to explore and play. Their nap timing and length change with each major developmental milestone. To overcome this period, you can focus on a consistent nap routine and find ways to calm them.

You will undoubtedly get to the point where your little one will start fighting against nap times. This is a time to express some tough love with a dose of TLC as your control measure.

Trying to do what you know is best for your baby is never easy, particularly when faced with a sad face and eyes swelling with tears. It just tugs so hard on your heartstrings.

However, your little one needs to get enough sleep for growth and development during the day.

There are ways to coach your little one into going along with essential nap times. We will give you some pointers on how to make nap times fun for your bundle of joy.

Creating a consistent nap routine

Establishing a consistent nap routine is necessary for a healthy, happy baby. As a mom, your task is to create a consistent nap-time routine.

It would be best if you considered a particular time of day, a specific nap location, and a pre-nap wind-down ritual, such as reading a book or singing a lullaby.

The sleep routine you establish for your baby must be flexible.

You’ll quickly learn your baby’s sleep cues, like rubbing their eyes or becoming fussy.

It’s easier to put a baby down for a nap when they’re starting to get tired rather than waiting until they’re overtired and cranky.

Ensure your baby’s sleep environment is a safe haven conducive to sleep.

The essentials include a quiet, dark room, a comfortable temperature, and a comfortable sleeping surface.

Soothing techniques for babies to nap faster

You can also use soothing techniques to help your baby fall asleep.

Every baby is different, so experiment with different soothing techniques to see what works best for your baby.

A laughing mother is playing with her baby on the bed to calm her down.
  • Some babies prefer to be rocked to sleep, while others prefer to be held or gently patted.
  • Skin-to-skin time with mommy is a great way to soothe your baby.
  • You could also try different sleep associations to help your baby fall asleep, such as a pacifier or a swaddle.

It may take some time for your baby to get used to the new routine, so be patient and persistent, but more importantly, be present.

Babies adjust to permanence differently, and seeing you in the vicinity is already the battle half won.

Keep trying different techniques, and be patient as your baby learns to develop healthy sleep habits.

Remember, it’s normal for babies to go through sleep regressions and changes in their sleep patterns as they grow and develop.

With time, your baby will settle into a more regular nap routine.

At 5 months, your little one should be awake for around 2 to 2.5 hours before becoming tired and needing a nap.

Although being present is essential, don’t rush in when your little one wakes up during a nap. Wait a bit to see if they fall back asleep on their own.

If not, go in and soothe your baby, but try not to pick them up if possible. This can help your baby learn to self-soothe and fall back asleep on their own.

Benefits of napping and baby development

  • Naps play a crucial role in a baby’s development and ensure your baby gets the necessary rest to grow and develop properly.
  • During naps, the body releases growth hormones necessary for a baby’s physical growth and development.
  • Adequate rest through naps ensures babies have the energy and resources to develop healthy bones, muscles, and organs.
  • Sleep is also essential for cognitive development, and studies have shown that babies who take regular naps have better memory and learning abilities.
  • Naps give the brain the rest it needs to consolidate memories and process new information.
  • In addition, regular naps help babies regulate their emotions, making them happier and more content overall.
A toddler is awake beside their sleeping mother on a large bed.

Naps promote overall health and well-being. A well-rested baby is less likely to get sick, as sleep helps boost the immune system.

Naps also help regulate the body’s stress hormones, positively impacting a baby’s physical and mental health.

Most 5-month-olds need around 14-16 hours of sleep daily, with 3-4 naps of varying lengths.

As a parent, ensuring your little one gets the rest they need to thrive and grow is important.

Reasons your 5-month-old naps less

At 5 months, babies usually experience some changes in their sleep patterns. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Your 5-month-old will sleep for shorter periods during the day, usually between 30 minutes to 2 hours. Some babies may take more or fewer naps than others, and their nap lengths may vary.
  • Most babies at this age start sleeping longer periods at night, typically around 10-12 hours. Yet, some babies may wake up once or twice for feeding or soothing. Your baby will sleep through night-time diaper changes which should be considered a blessing. A dry bottom means no ugly diaper rashes that will cause your little one unnecessary discomfort.
  • Some babies experience a sleep regression at around 4-6 months, where they wake up more frequently at night and have trouble napping during the day. This can be due to developmental changes like teething, learning new skills, or a growth spurt.
  • At this age, babies are becoming more aware of their surroundings and may be more interested in exploring their environment. This can sometimes make it more challenging to get them to nap, as they may want to stay awake and play.

A consistent sleep routine helps to establish healthy sleep habits that will benefit your baby well into childhood and beyond.

It teaches your baby the importance of sleep and how to prioritize it as part of their daily routine.

Creating a sleep routine doesn’t have to be complicated or lengthy, but it should be consistent.

The goal is to create a routine that your baby can anticipate and rely on, helping them feel secure and comfortable when it’s time to sleep.

How to create a comfortable sleeping environment for 5-month-old?

Creating a comfortable sleeping environment for your baby is essential to help them fall asleep and stay asleep.

An awake toddler's father is holding a clock showcasing its past naptime for his kid.

Maintain temperature

Babies are more sensitive to temperature changes than adults, so ensuring their sleeping environment is not too hot or cold is essential. The ideal temperature for a baby’s room is 68-72 degrees Fahrenheit.

Sleeping environment

A comfortable sleeping environment should be free of distractions and stimulation. This means avoiding bright lights, loud noises, and other stimuli that can wake your baby.

Creating a soothing atmosphere in your baby’s room can help them feel calm and relaxed before sleep.

This can include using a white noise machine or playing soft music to help drown out other noises in the house.

Use blackout curtains to help block out any outside light that may disturb your baby’s sleep

Comfortable bedding

Your baby’s bedding should be comfortable and age-appropriate.

This means avoiding loose bedding and using a firm, flat surface for sleeping. Ensuring your baby’s bedding is clean and allergens-free is also essential.

Above all, a comfortable sleeping environment should be safe.

By creating a comfortable sleeping environment, you can help your baby feel calm and relaxed, making it easier for them to fall and stay asleep.

Sleep training vs. sleep associations

Sleep training involves teaching your baby to fall asleep on its own, while sleep associations involve using specific tools, such as a pacifier, to help your baby fall asleep.

Sleep training entails teaching your baby to fall asleep independently without needing external assistance such as rocking or feeding.

There are different sleep training methods, but the general idea is to gradually wean your baby off of any sleep associations they may have and teach them to fall asleep independently.

The goal is to help your baby learn to self-soothe and fall asleep on their own.

On the other hand, sleep associations refer to any tools or activities your baby associates with falling asleep.

This could include being rocked, held, or fed to sleep or using a pacifier.

While sleep associations can help help your baby fall asleep, they can also create a dependency, making it difficult for your baby to fall asleep on their own.

This is why many sleep experts recommend gradually reducing or eliminating sleep associations over time.

It’s important to note that sleep training is not the same as crying it out, which is a controversial sleep training method that involves allowing your baby to cry for a certain amount of time before going in to comfort them.

There are many different sleep training methods, and parents should choose the method they feel comfortable with and appropriate for their baby’s needs.

Ultimately, sleep training and reducing sleep associations aim to help your baby develop healthy sleep habits and the ability to fall asleep independently, which is vital for their overall development and well-being.


  • https://www.whattoexpect.com/first-year/sleep/sleep-regression/
  • https://www.babysleepsite.com/schedules/baby-sleep-wake-time-formula/
  • https://www.columbianeurology.org/neurology/staywell/document.php?id=36578
  • https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/299678
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Hi! I'm Jennely. My hands and mind can't be still; neither can my three-year-old. So I'm either chasing him or my next project. I like to work smarter, not harder. This is why I write on topics that will help parents solve problems and enjoy precious moments with their little ones.

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