The Eruption Sequence is the order in which babies’ teeth usually come in, starting with the bottom 2 and the top 2 front teeth when they are about 6-8 months old. This proper formation of the primary teeth is important as it allows your baby to chew and pronounce words correctly. The primary teeth also hold space for permanent teeth. If they don’t come in on time, there may not be enough space for permanent teeth. This improper eruption order results from thick gums and preterm birth, amongst other things, but it’s nothing to sweat about as it won’t hurt them if they come in slightly out of order.
Before a tooth pushes its way out of your baby’s gums, they’ll need to go through a teething process, and It can be alarming to think that their teeth may not be growing the proper way.
It usually is pretty straightforward, but sometimes the teeth growing process doesn’t always go as planned.
Sometimes they might grow in the wrong order or develop too close together, or there could be a delay in tooth growth.
The order of teeth appearance in babies
Keeping in mind that the development of your baby’s teeth can be hereditary, babies can have their first teeth as early as three months old or as late as one year old.
Some babies, however, develop tooth buds during pregnancy that can manifest as teeth buds during the early stages, but there are rare cases when babies are born with a tooth or two.
- At around six months, the lower central incisors or the bottom-middle teeth push their way up through the baby’s gums.
- Between 6-12 months, the upper central incisors or the upper-middle teeth will come out next.
- By 9-13 months, your baby’s upper lateral incisors or the upper teeth to the right and left from the center will appear. Overall the baby will have 4 teeth on the top.
- Four teeth will be completed in the lower jaw between 10-16 months. The lower lateral incisors will start to break off the gums.
- Around 12-18 months, the baby’s first molars will appear. The two bigger teeth on the upper gums will appear towards the back of the mouth.
- At the same time, the lower molars will also break out.
- By 16-22 months, the baby will have its first canine teeth located in the upper gum area between the incisors and the first molars.
- The lower canine teeth also appear around the same time as the upper canine teeth.
- The baby’s lower teeth are completed with the emergence of the lower second molar between 20-31months.
- By 25-33months, the baby will have its complete set of teeth as the upper second molar appears.
The best way to keep track of tooth eruptions is to look for a new tooth every four months after your baby starts getting teeth.
For example, if the bottom central incisors come in at 6 months, you should expect to see the top incisor come in about 4 months later.
How to tell if something is wrong
What’s more important than the exact order of your baby’s teeth coming in?
Spacing and disease prevention.
Since baby teeth are smaller than permanent teeth, there should be plenty of space between them to allow for room in the future for the development of permanent teeth.
Another issue of concern is tooth decay.
Unfortunately, babies’ teeth are at a higher risk of tooth decay which can lead to complications such as:
- Early tooth loss
- Infections
- Gingivitis (gum disease)
- Yellow or brown spots on teeth
- Feeding difficulties
- Poor self-esteem
- Cavities
- Cellulitis (an infection that occurs and spreads underneath the skin)
Overcrowding of teeth which could create symptoms like an overbite, underbite, or open bite, is also a sign that something is wrong with your baby’s teething process, as well as too many teeth.
Also known as hypodontia, this is where too many teeth develop than there are meant to be.
Extra teeth will appear next to or in between regular teeth, causing discomfort, chewing problems, and other difficulties.
These teething problems tend to occur most often in babies born prematurely and those who don’t have adequate healthcare access.
All babies should start seeing a dentist soon after their first birthday.
Do babies have gaps in their front teeth?
A gap between a baby’s teeth is very normal, and in most cases, a gap between the front teeth in the upper jaw closes by itself.
When their teeth start to come through, the front teeth could have a gap, and the fraenum may be attached low to the gum.
How late can a baby’s teeth come in?
Teething in babies happens when they are between 4 and 16 months. Delayed or late teething is normal and shouldn’t be a cause of concern until the child is 15 months old.
The American Academy of Pediatrics says that if the delay is longer than 18 months, then you should consult a pediatric dentist.
Which tooth hurts babies the most?
Molars tend to be very painful for babies while erupting because they’re much bigger than other teeth.
It is often the first tooth that comes in with a lot of pain and discomfort, causing a lot of new and unfamiliar feelings for a child.
Take away
There’s nothing wrong with your baby’s teeth coming in out of order because some genetic input might dictate the order with which babies’ teeth erupt.
Their teeth might come in at different times and in a different order. The process is different for every baby.
Just be patient and let mother nature handle her business as she sees it fit when your baby’s teeth start coming out at 12 months.
But should their gums remain plain without white things popping even after they’ve hit 18 months, then something might be wrong, and you should see a dentist straight away in that case.