What are the Best Pacifiers for Breastfeeding Infants? Is Pacifier Good or Bad for Newborn Babies?

Whether you call it a dummy, pacie, pacifiers, or binkie, many parents report that choosing the best pacifiers for breastfeeding infants is a highly individual process. What one baby likes, another might reject over and over again. Honestly, every baby is different in what they like and take. Some babies don’t like the usage of pacifiers and caught ill, which leads to confusion between parents about the benefits and negative consequences of pacifiers. 

That’s why many physicians are often asked for guidance about the usage of pacifiers in children. In fact, they commonly ask, is it OK to give pacifiers to a newborn baby while breastfeeding? Most importantly, what is the appropriate time to wean a child? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents consider giving pacifiers to their infants because it reduces the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) in children. Other studies have also reported that pacifiers can act as a pain reliever in newborns, and infants undergoing minor health issues. 

What is a Pacifier?

A pacifier is a rubber, silicone nipple, or plastic substitute given to newborn babies to suckle upon. It helps to satisfy the need to suck off the newborn babies by substituting the pacifier between feedings.

Pacifiers normally have three parts a mouth shield, a handle, and an elongated teat. 

When can I begin using a pacifier?

When can I begin using a pacifier?

Normally, it is advisable to newly-minted parents that pacifiers and other types of artificial nipples should be avoided at least for the first 3 to 4 weeks. Being a mother of one cute son, I would suggest that mothers start using pacifiers after 8 weeks. During that period, the mom’s milk supply got well established, and won’t lose any much-needed breast stimulation to a pacifier. 

I have also started giving a pacifier to my baby after 7 weeks. Pacifiers help to satisfy newborn babies sucking impulses irrespective of their hunger. Honestly, pacifiers are not bad for babies; you just need to select the best pacifiers among thousands of pacifiers available in the market. 

What are the Different Types of Pacifiers?

There are various types of baby pacifiers available in the market that suit a child’s age and development. Pacifiers come in different types, colors, sizes, and shapes. In fact, they are also made in different ways and with various materials.

Pacifiers for newborns are not going to match older children’s requirements with a full set of teeth. Below shared are different types of pacifiers that every parent should be aware of: 

Orthodontic baby pacifiers 

Orthodontic baby pacifiers have flattened nipples at the bottom and rounded at the top. When a baby sucks the nipple, this type of pacifier flattens in the baby’s mouth, which offers the most natural sucking action. In fact, it also mitigates the pressure on developing teeth, which is a positive point for these types of pacifiers. 

Round-tip baby pacifiers 

Round-tip baby pacifiers are the second type of pacifiers and are quite traditionally designed. These pacifiers are most likely the kind when you were a child. In order to prevent nipple confusion, these types of pacifiers are often suggested for breastfed babies. 

Silicone baby pacifiers 

Silicone baby pacifiers are easier to clean, studier, and more readily available. The nipple of silicone baby pacifiers is knotted around the back of the handle and the shield making it comfortable to use for children.

Latex baby pacifiers 

Another type of pacifier is latex baby pacifiers, which are quite softer and flexible, unlike others. The nipple’s softness indicates an older child’s potential with a full set of teeth to bite off the nipple’s piece inadvertently. But if a child is already dealing with a latex allergy, it’s best to opt for silicone. 

One-piece baby pacifiers 

One-piece baby pacifiers are designed by using a single molded piece of latex, silicone, and plastic. The single-molded piece design reduces the risk of choking.

Multiple-piece baby pacifiers 

Finally, multiple-piece baby pacifiers are readily available in the market for older as well as newborn babies. This type of binkie has a nipple, ring, a guard, and each of the components is designed separately to experience a traditional pacifier shape. Since these baby pacifiers come in different sizes, selecting the right size for your baby would be a cumbersome job to do. 

What are the Best Buy Pacifiers For Baby & Newborn?

What are the Best Buy Pacifiers For Baby & Newborn?

Many parents weigh the pros and cons of giving pacifiers for babies and newborns. When they realize that it would be better to start using a pacifier to satisfy the urge to suck off when the baby is not hungry. The next problem arises, which pacifier one should get for their baby. The overwhelming selection of baby pacifiers these days, make this process even more daunting. 

While strolling down the aisle of the local baby store, parents will likely find no less than 20 various types of baby pacifiers. Every baby pacifier will claim to be the best pacifiers in the market. How does a parent decide, especially when a baby is crying and looking for something to feel soothed? 

To resolve your problem, I have paired down some important and the best pacifiers which parents can choose as per their baby’s requirements and needs. Let’s toss around various types of pacifiers in the market. 

Philips Avent Soothie

The first and foremost pacifier that parents can choose for their newborn babies is Philips Avent Soothie. Many parents have reported that these pacifiers saved their sanity while nurturing a newborn baby. These pacifiers have helped their baby to sleep and remain happy in every situation. 

Philips Avent Soothie is used in many hospitals because it is BPA, latex-free, and designed with one solid piece of hospital-grade silicone. It means that these pacifiers won’t hide ay dirt and debris and reduce choking risk. I have also used this pacifier for my little body. I admit that this is really great for breastfeeding babies and doesn’t create any nipple confusion. These pacifiers come in six different colors and can be sterilized by just boiling down for five minutes.

Best for Colic: NUK Newborn 100% Silicone Orthodontic Pacifier

If your baby is dealing with colic, these pacifiers from NUK would be worth a shot. No one is quite aware of what causes colic among kids. This is why parents are ready to do anything that can help their kids to cure. 

NUK newborn 100% silicone orthodontic pacifier is heart-shaped designed to help kids breathe properly and easy to use. The nipples are also constructed to promote kids’ good oral health to avoid any further health problems. 

Best Soothing: The First Years GumDrop Newborn Pacifier

Finding the right pacifier can be a daunting task for the whole family for a crying and fussy baby. The first year’s GumDrop newborn pacifier would be the right pacifier for your fussy baby. It’s one-piece designed silicone is quite similar to other commonly used newborn pacifiers. 

But it has a nose cutout that makes this pacifier stand out from other types of pacifiers. This unique feature helps babies to use and breathe easier. There are some parents who report that these binkies are too stiff. But the majority of parents find it soft and soothing for their kids. 

Best Design: Doddle & Co. Pop Silicone Pacifier

Another type of pacifier advised for parents is doddle and Co. Pop Silicone Pacifier. This pacifier is designed in such a way that it keeps itself clean from dirt and debris. Its nipple pops back into its own protective bubble when it gets slipped from the baby’s mouth or onto the dirty floor. 

But it doesn’t indicate that these pacifiers won’t need to be cleaned. Parents should sanitize their baby’s silicone pacifier from time to time to keep it clean and tidy—honestly, Doddle and Co. Pop silicone pacifiers are safer to use for newborn babies than any other type of pacifier. 

Best Orthodontic: Chicco NaturalFit Pacifier

Finally, the best orthodontic pacifier that can help ease parents’ oral health concerns is Chicco Natural fit pacifier. It is designed to offer good oral health in babies at every turn. The nipple of this pacifier is designed to keep the tongue’s pressure against the palate evenly so that baby can easily close their mouth around it. It also comes in a case in which you can easily sterilize the pacifier by just popping it in the microwave.

It’s Time to Get Some Peace 👼

This article is all about the best pacifier for breastfeeding babies from which parents can choose to get the best results. I hope that my list might give you an idea. Selecting the best pacifier for breastfeeding babies can sometimes be a daunting task. These pacifiers can keep your fussy and crying baby calm and happy without worrying about long-term orthodontic effects. If you have any other pacifier in your mind, do comment in this post. I will be happy to discuss your thoughts in my upcoming article. Let me know what you think in the comments!

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