Can Babies Eat Jello?

Babies need lots of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals for their growth, but, unfortunately, jello provides neither of them. Even though it looks harmless, the sugar and artificial sweeter make it a food choice that doctors don’t recommend. Besides, you should keep your toddler away from any slippery, sticky, or round-shaped food until she turns at least 2 as young kids can easily choke on them.

Parents of an infant must carefully choose what they feed their baby. They should remember that their little one is extremely fragile, and a slight mistake can cause a significant problem for her.

And one such mistake is giving Jello to their baby. Hence, in this article, we will discuss why you should not consider giving jello to your younger one as parents. 

Why you shouldn’t give Jello to your baby

A toddler boy is happily eating his jello snack, not an ideal snack for infants or newborns.

Jello, a colorful sugary snack made from gelatin, is everyone’s favorite snack, especially children. And since it doesn’t require teeth to eat, parents love giving it to their tiny ones. But do you know these colorful, tasty treats are not considered safe for babies?

Here are some reasons why you should avoid giving Jello to your baby, at least for the first 2 years:

  • Offers zero nutritional value.
  • Filled with a huge amount of sugar.
  • It can be stuck in a baby’s airway and cause infection.
  • Kids easily can get hooked on them and refuse to eat any other food. 

Is sugar-free jello safe for the baby?

No, don’t be fooled by the term “sugar-free” written on packets.

The sugar-free jello is made with artificial sweetener with a considerable amount of sodium, making it as harmful as the one with sugar. 

What other food you should not give to the baby?

Babies are extremely fragile. Hence, parents must only give them food that is rich in nutrients to ensure healthy growth. Also, choking hazard is a serious concern among babies, so before introducing any new food, check if it is safe for your little one or not. Here is the list of items that are not advisable to give babies under 1. 

Fruit juice or sweetened beverages:

Beverages like soda and sports drinks and juices are not recommended for babies under 1 year of age.

All these (even 100% fruit juices) contain a high amount of sugar and have little to no nutritional benefit, which later in life can become the reason for tooth decay and even weight gain. 

Unpasteurized food:

Never feed your baby any unpasteurized food like dairy, milk, cheese, juice, or cider. All these contain bacteria as well as parasites that can lead to serious health issues among babies. 

Large chunky food:

Avoid food that can lead to choking hazards at all costs. Hard, sticky, and round food such as nuts, popcorn, candies, hot dogs, whole grapes, seeds, etc., can get stuck in the baby’s throat; that’s why they are considered dangerous for them. 

Processed or fast food: 

French fries, nuggets, or any other junk item shouldn’t be on the menu for your baby. They are packed with saturated fat, calories, sugar, salt, and sodium but no vitamins, minerals, or protein that your child needs at this tender age. 


Honey is also off-limits for babies under 12 months of age, cooked and uncooked both. It contains clostridium botulinum which in babies can cause life-threatening diseases.  

Healthy food alternatives for babies

During the early stages of your baby’s development, feed her food rich in nutrients. This is why the AAP recommends giving only breastmilk or formula milk to babies under 6 months of age.

A variety of healthy food items are laid out on a table, suitable for infants to eat.

Yet, after 6 months, mostly the food items given to babies are high in sugar, salt, and calories which can hinder their development.

But to help our new parents, we have rounded up a list of a few healthy foods you can feed your baby without any hesitation:

  1. Fish (6 months)
  2. Meat (6 months)
  3. Milk (12 months)
  4. Peanut butter (6 months)
  5. Eggs (6 months)
  6. Yogurt (6 months)
  7. Avocado (6 months)
  8. Bananas (6 months)
  9. Strawberries (6 months)
  10. Broccoli (6 months)
  11. Sweet potatoes (6 months)
  12. Oats (10 months) 


What is the number one choking food?

According to Nationwide children, the most dangerous food that poses the highest choking hazard for toddlers and young children is Hot dogs. Avoid feeding it to your baby but if you do then take extra security measures like cut them into very small pieces before giving them to your little one. 

Is it OK to give salt and sugar to babies?

No, neither too much salt nor too much sugar is good for the babies. A high amount of sugar is bad for babies’ emerging teeth. Whereas, high amount of salt can damage their kidneys. 

What size of food can a baby choke on?

Young children have a windpipe about the size of a diameter of a regular straw. So children younger than 4 years should not be given food bigger than that. Also, hard, gooey, sticky, and coin-shaped food must be avoided due to the high risk of choking.

Final thoughts 

Healthy food leads to healthier growth, and this goes for every little human being. If you feed your baby the right food, you will thank yourself later in life to see her healthy and happy. But if you make the wrong choices, you might end up being responsible for developing health issues in her life.

When I decided to introduce solid food to my son, I asked my doctor for recommendations, and the first thing he told me was to stay away from sugar as much as possible. My son is now about to turn 2, and I’m still following that advice. 

Yes, Jello may look appealing and feel like the perfect snack for your baby, but before feeding it to her, ask yourself, “is it healthy?” The answer will help you decide if you should give it to your little one or not. 

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Hello, I am Ramsha. A mother of two naughty boys. One is 2.5 years old while the other is 1.5 years old so you can understand the tips and tricks I may have learned and am still learning while upbringing them. It is a wonderful yet difficult phase of life. But every moment is worth cherishing!

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