Cumin Tea To Induce Labor – How Safe Is It?

Before finally meeting the little bundle of joy in this world, there’s one more hardship a mom should endure. It is the agony of labor and delivery.

So, before the onset of labor, you should already master the Kegel exercise to help you out somehow. But if your baby is going beyond the delivery due date, he may need stimulation to push himself out.

Aside from medical labor induction, there are also traditional methods that many mothers trust. Among them is drinking cumin tea to induce labor. But does cumin tea really work, and is it safe?

Cumin or Jeera is a potent spice and popular traditional herbal medicine. It has a spicy and peppery taste and provides benefits in digestion, circulation, and boosting the body’s immune system. Some studies claim cumin’s ability to produce a uterine contraction. It can also speed up the body’s metabolic response that will trigger the labor. On this premise, cumin is beneficial in post-term pregnancy by inducing labor. However, it is still safer to consult with your doctor before consuming nonconventional medicine for you and your baby’s safety.

Benefits of cumin tea

A cup of black cumin tea. Cumin tea is known to help pregnant women induce labor.

Cumin is a powerful spice that is known to cure many ailments. It is packed with antioxidant, antimicrobial, antifungal, and anticarcinogenic properties. Cumin also has digestive benefits.

It is a trusted pantry staple for treating any digestive problems. Even babies with GERD or acid reflux, gas, and upset stomachs can benefit from cumin water or tea.

It is also helpful for lactating moms. Cumin contains thymol that helps in breast milk production.

Can cumin induce labor?

When you are days or even a week beyond the due date but your baby still does not show any sign of going out any time, what will you do?

When it happens, you need to check into the hospital where your OB will induce labor. Induction of labor is necessary during this time to keep your baby safe from meconium aspiration (inhalation of poop) and other health risks.

There are different methods that the OB may use to stretch or ripen the cervix and break the water. Triggering elective labor is very painful. On the other hand, it can also be hard on the pocket given your hospital bill.

That’s why some women who are way past their delivery due date look for other options like herbal medications.

The Book Medicinal Plants of South Asia, 2020 cites the abortifacient property of cumin. It can cause contraction of the uterus to induce labor. But accordingly, the contractions are not as strong when compared to the normal labor contractions.

Cumin is very spicy and tends to increase the metabolic rate. As the body works harder to increase its immune response, it also stimulates labor in the process.

Safety precaution on cumin tea use

A 39 weeks pregnant woman is laying down on the sofa drinking cumin tea.

Cumin can cause abortion if taken during the early stages of pregnancy. So take note of these safety tips before drinking cumin tea:

  • Drink the tea only when you are sure you are at least 38 weeks pregnant . It will prevent premature birth.
  • Limit your intake to two cups daily. Cumin can cause low blood sugar.
  • Use cumin seeds instead of powder.
  • Talk to your doctor or midwife before taking cumin tea.

How to make cumin tea to induce labor?

You can make cumin tea for inducing labor by following these steps.

  1. Heat cumin seeds on a hot saucepan for about 10 seconds.
  2. Add 250 ml of water and let it boil.
  3. Steep the concoction by covering the saucepan for about 5 minutes.
  4. Strain and drink. You may add honey or a little salt to improve its taste.

Cumin tea may not be the best-tasting tea you will find because of its spicy property. But if you want to speed up your labor and delivery, this can be an inexpensive method worth trying.


Post-term pregnancy is as risky as preterm delivery. However, delivering post-term is more hopeful as there are different methods for inducing labor. Drinking cumin tea to hasten the labor is acceptable as long as moms follow the safe way of consumption.

To be sure that you are on the safe side, consulting a health care practitioner is always necessary. Some midwives will indeed allow the use of complementary and alternative herbal medicine. So be sure to check with them to avoid any risks, especially on your little one.

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Ann Marie is a licensed nurse in the Philippines. She experienced handling and assisting deliveries of newborns into the world. She also trained in labor rooms and pediatric wards while in nursing school - helping soon-to-be mothers and little kids in the process. Though not a mother by nature but a mother by heart, Ann Marie loves to take care of her younger cousins as well as nephews and nieces during her free time.

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