Does Tummy Time Help With Gas? (From Gassy Woes to Giggle-filled Days!)

The peak age for the gas discomfort among infants is 3 to 6 weeks. It’s very common for them to pass gas 13-21 times each day! For babies, this experience is quite miserable and constant. The extra gas usually comes from the lack of tummy time, swallowing air, digestive problems, sometimes from breastfeeding, and diet formula changes, which may lead to crying and many sleepless nights. However, tummy time can help infants to relieve gastric problems. 

Nothing is more wonderful and amazing than witnessing a baby’s first smile and first walk until parents explain the baby has a gassy tummy.

Suddenly, the smile turned into questioning, “How can I relieve my baby’s gas?” The twisted grimace of a kid trying to figure out the ways to expel gas from their tiny butt. 

Any parent who has been up all night with a gassy baby can tell you it isn’t fun. A warm welcome to the new Parenthood World!

Though a gassy tummy is common among infants, it can wake your kiddo the whole night and day, seeking their immature and tiny digestive system. 

Why is my baby’s tummy so gassy?

Wondering about your baby’s gassy tummy?

When a baby has gas, they’ll pass a lot of gas and make poo-sounds which helps them to feel better afterward.

An infant boy is happily smiling as he is doing tummy time

A baby usually gets gas when he is just a couple of weeks old, let it be 3 to 6 weeks.

When he has gas, tiny bubbles start developing in his tummy or intestine, causing stomach pain and pressure.

Some baby doesn’t get affected by their gas issues, but many gassy babies become restless and sleepless until they pass their gas. 

The ultimate reason for the baby’s gassy tummy is their immature digestive systems, lack of tummy time, and swallowing air while feeding.

However, some babies are so sensitive that they can have gas while having breastfed or change their diet formula. 

According to WebMD,  babies pass gas 13 to 21 times per day, which sometimes makes them quite uncomfortable or in pain.

Pediatricians and seasoned parents often recommend that new parents keep a log of their baby’s diet and feeding habits. so that they can feel a sense of relief. 

In fact, they should keep their baby’s head higher than their stomach while nursing or feeding them.

If you are using a bottle, you should look out for the bubbles in the nipple to avoid gassiness, and never let them suck at an empty one.  

Can breastfeeding make my baby gassy?

Can breastfeeding make my baby gassy?

Some research pieces have found that the foods in the mother’s diet might make breastfed babies’ tummy gassy; however, the evidence is not so far conclusive. 

Therefore it is advisable for the mothers to completely revamp what they’re eating, and also look for other edibles that can help their baby’s tummy fit and healthy.

Newly mothers are also advised to see if there are other subtle ways for their kids to swallow less air when breastfeeding

For instance, Mumma’s can make their child burp twice at each feeding.

They can also try different nipples or bottles to reduce the amount of swallowed air. Being a mother, I also incorporated these ways to help my kid from a gassy tummy.

I always ensure that I burp him twice at every feeding so that he’s not keeping in any extra air. 

In fact, I also focus on the baby latches onto the breast, so that he can flange out his lips around the flesh of the breast or areola, sealing the tissue around the nipple with his lips.

This seal prevents any air from entering while the baby suckles.

Causes for Baby’s Tummy Gas

If your baby is happy and generally fussy for a few seconds, this is a sign that your baby is normal.

But if he is not happy in between episodes and too stressed while making poo sounds, there is something!

Let’s review the causes of why your baby has gas:

1. Swallowing Air

If your kid is latching onto the breast incorrectly, he is definitely swallowing a large amount of air which further causes him stomach pain and distress. 

2. Excessive Crying

Crying for a longer period may cause your kid to swallow air.

The reason for crying could be anything like hunger, cold, sleepy, or feeling uneasy.

In fact, it can also happen during growth spurts when the babies are fussier than usual.

However, all these reasons could cause them to have gas.

It doesn’t matter for what cause the kid is crying, but if it goes on for prolonged periods, some amount of air will definitely get swallowed. 

3. Immature Digestive System 

Another reason for the baby’s gassy tummy is their immature digestive system.

The baby’s gut is not mature enough to handle all the digestive food.

Babies are learning the techniques of digesting food and milk, eliminating waste disposal, and passing gas. 

4. Constipation 

Well, constipation is a kind of digestive tract issue. But this is not the culprit as you might think to cause gas in your baby’s tummy.

The mechanism for constipation causing gas in your baby’s tummy is just straightforward. 

The hard stools cause blockages in the rectum and the gut, further preventing the intestinal gas from getting out from your baby’s tummy.

Eventually, the gas continues to build up, creating discomfort and discontent. 

What are symptoms of a baby that has a gas problem?

It becomes challenging for the new parents to identify gas from other needs or discomforts that the baby might fuss about.

Below shared are the symptoms that you should be aware of to figure out whether your baby has got gas: 

  1. Arching Back
  2. Excessive Farting
  3. Bloating or Swollen Belly
  4. Lifting the legs
  5. Passing gas or belching 

What is tummy time?

The solution to the baby gas problem is “tummy time.”

Many pediatricians and physical therapists encourage babies to spend at least 30 minutes a day on their tummies.

Incorporating “tummy time” in a baby’s life is invaluable. 

However, some babies resist tummy time and may protest loudly while turning them over.

Babies, particularly those who haven’t learned the tummy time, may experience this in an unfamiliar position. 

But parents should try to make their baby lie on their belly for at least 30 minutes.

Usually, during this period, infants have not experienced sitting posture. They just lay on their back and vertically held against their parent’s chest.

For tummy time especially, infants have to be awake and supervised carefully so that they won’t hurt as they move, wiggle, or even get upset.

Benefits of tummy time 

A young infant boy is doing tummy time on the bed

Tummy time is significant for the baby because the skills learned while on tummy time help further development.

This is also one of the significant milestones in the first years of life, such as lifting, rolling, turning the head, getting up the hands, crawling, scooting, and much more. 

Tummy time also helps the baby to handle their head perfectly.

Being a mother, I also mentioned that tummy time contributes to the skills needed and the strength for handling the upper body and hands.

Here are more benefits of tummy time: 

  • The activity of tummy time helps to prevent flat head symptoms.
  • Baby develops stronger muscles and neck.
  • Helps to build up strength for rolling, sitting up, crawling, and eventually walking.
  • Promotes gross motor skills.

Start slow, make your way up, and your baby will start profiting from tummy time before you know it!


This article is all about how to relieve a baby from a gassy tummy and the leading causes of the gassy tummy.

More importantly, tummy time can help cure kids to gas out without any pain or discomfort. 

Tummy time is an excellent exercise that helps your baby’s shoulder, neck, and head development. It will also help you build a strong bond with your baby while making him sit, crawl, and lie down on the tummy.

Always ensure that you are supervising your baby carefully during tummy time. In fact, you have to ensure that they won’t fall asleep on their tummy.

Tummy time benefits the baby when they are awake and under supervision. 

If you still have any concerns or doubts about your baby’s gassy tummy or tummy time, you should talk to your pediatrician.

Good luck, and keep enjoying parenthood!

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