How Long Do You Let A Baby Cry It Out? Some Tips During Your Sleep Training Process

Sleep training is a big part of parenting, especially after a few months. It is common for parents to lack sleep because of the baby waking up several times a night.

At 4-6 months, a child should be able to sleep for 8-hours straight. It is okay for your newborn to feed every few hours, even during the night. However, taking care of a baby 24/7 can make a parent tired and sleep-deprived. 

There are several approaches that parents can use to train babies on sleeping schedules. The Cry It Out (CIO) sleep training method is the most popular method that parents opt to use.

Parenting experts recommend that sleep training your little one can prevent sleep problems in later life. You can read a lot of parenting books to try and find the best sleep training method. However, the only way you will know for sure is if you try one of the plans.

Is It Okay To Let A Baby Cry to Sleep?

Yes. It is okay to let a baby cry to sleep. Parents are cautious when it comes to letting a baby cry for too long before falling asleep. You can let the baby cry or 5-10 minutes and see whether they will be in a position to self-soothe. CIO is one of the training techniques that can help you establish healthy sleep habits for babies. 

Babies can learn how to soothe themselves when you let them cry in the crib. There are no adverse effects on a baby’s health when you allow your little one to cry to sleep.

You have to stay close to the nursery to ensure a safe sleep environment and controlled crying. The difficulty as the baby adapts to the new sleep cycle.

Are 1-3 Months Too Early to Cry It Out?

Cry it out method for newborns and infants

Sleep training for children between 1-3 months is a bit too early. If you still wanted to try it out, you can confidently know that it won’t interfere with your baby’s mental psychology.

The ideal age to begin the CIO method for infant sleep through the night is from 4-6 months. Infants cannot go for more extended periods without night feeding when they weigh below 10-pounds. 

You need to use a gentler approach to train babies who are between 1-3 months old. Parents rarely get enough nighttime sleep in the first three months.

You can wait until the baby is older to start sleep training. You can let the baby cry for 5-minutes now and then so that the infant can learn how to self soothe.

How Do I Get My Baby to Fall Asleep on Its Own?

Tips on how to get your baby to fall asleep on its own

Preparation is vital when it comes to the implementation of the CIO method. There are a few things that you can do to help your child adapt better to the new routine.

Baby sleep is an essential aspect when the infant is undergoing a growth spurt. There are a few things, that according to Healthline, you can do to help your baby to fall asleep faster.

  • Place the child in the crib for naps and sleep time. The baby needs to learn that a crib is where they go to sleep. 
  • Establish a set bedtime routine like a bath, lullabies, hugs, and bedtime stories. A bedtime routine helps the little one relax before drifting off. 
  • Remove any stuffed toys away from the crib. You need to ensure that the crib is safe because the toddler may move around when crying. 
  • Ensure the bed has clean beddings and safe for the baby. The crib should be comfortable enough for the baby. 
  • Always place the baby in the crib when you notice any signs that your baby is ready to go to bed. Putting the baby in bed before they fall asleep makes them comfortable to go back to sleep when they wake up in the middle of the night.

Should You Pick Up Your Baby Every Time He Or She Cries?

Mom picking up crying baby during sleep training

There is no consensus on whether to pick up a baby during the CIO sleep training method. Picking up the baby every time he or she cries will send the baby mixed messages.

The Ferber method recommends that you check in on the baby after 5-minutes of continuous crying. You should increase the check-in intervals by 5-minutes until the baby falls asleep. 

According to the Baby Sleep Site, you need to prepare yourself psychologically before training your little one. It takes a toll on parents to listen to their child crying for even 10-minutes.

You have to be healthy and only enter the room to settle the baby back in the crib. It will take a lot of determination to avoid picking up the baby.

How Many Nights Does It Take For Cry It Out to Work?

It takes 3-14 days for a baby to learn how to settle down on their own. The first three days will be hard for you and the baby. Children can cry an average of 45-60 minutes on the first day before they fall asleep. Your child should cry for at most 10 minutes during short periods of napping.

The time will become less as you continue to use the CIO method. You can discontinue the technique if the child doesn’t learn how to sleep on their own. 

How Do You Break an Overtired Baby’s Cycle?

Babies can be overtired at night because of too much or too little sleep during the day. You need to monitor the baby’s sleeping pattern during the day to establish a healthy sleep habit. Tired babies tend to have a hard time falling asleep at night.

You need to ensure that your baby has a balanced schedule during the day. Babies need to nap and rest during the day. Babies who sleep a lot during the day may not be ready to get to bed at night. Keep in mind that children who spend the whole day sleeping tend to stay awake all night long. 

Why is Crying It Out Method Bad?

There are intervention groups that believe that the crying out method is terrible. There isn’t any additional information to tell whether the allegations are true. The adverse effects that are known include the increase in the stress hormone and possible vomiting scenarios.

Crying increases the stress levels of a baby, even when they are asleep. You need to monitor the crying intervals during the training to ensure you are not stressing your baby.

You can go in to check on the child, but it is discouraged to pick up the baby and cuddle them. 

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