How Much Should You Spend On Baby Shower Gifts? Tips On Saving Money!

Yay! I just got invited to a baby shower. So exciting! But wait. Should I buy a gift for the mom or the baby? How much am I supposed to spend on these gifts?

There’s no hard and fast rule about how much you should spend on baby shower gifts. It depends on your budget, i.e., how much you can afford and how close you are to the mom-to-be. If you’re an acquaintance, distant cousin, or a colleague, then you should probably spend anywhere from $20 to $30. If you’re good friends, cousins, or relatives, consider spending $40 to $50. If you’re the grandparents or best friends, uncles, and aunts, you should keep a minimum budget of $100. If you’re low on a budget, consider splitting a more significant gift with other cousins or colleagues. Remember, it’s the thought that counts and not the actual gift.

Baby showers are get-togethers of friends and families to celebrate the arrival of a new member into the family.

Over time, baby showers have changed little by little. From having a tea party with your girls and helping the parents stock up essentials before the baby arrives, it has now become a massive party with banners and tables decorated with ‘he or she’ cakes and cupcakes and inviting almost the whole block.

And, perhaps you are one of the guests invited to a baby shower, and yes, it can truly confuse anyone about what to gift the couple.

I mean, when you check the registry, the gifts can start from as little as $3 for a diaper cream to $499 for a top-of-the-line baby stroller.

But don’t fret just yet. I’ll be helping you to conclude how much you could spend on a baby shower gift.

How much can you afford?

A young couple is looking online for a gift for their friend's baby shower.

First things first, before diving into how you’re related to the mom-to-be or how well you know her. You need to know your financial condition. How much can you afford, and what should your budget be that doesn’t put you into debt.

It’s best if you remember that for some couples, it’s the thought that counts. So, maybe your presence means a lot more than the gift you bring.

And keep in mind that you’re not obligated to bring a gift or even attend the celebration if you can’t afford a gift and if that makes you feel awkward.

If the couple is closer to you, they’ll understand your financial status and be very glad only by your presence.

You can also make a DIY gift for the little one instead of buying at the registry.

You can also offer help like babysitting the child while taking a little bit of time off, helping clean their house, or helping them buy groceries or anything they need.

How close are you to the mom-to-be?

A few friends are gifting their pregnant friend who is having a baby shower.

Okay, so, after establishing your budget, the next thing you should consider is how close you are to the mom-to-be. If you’re just a co-worker, you don’t have to buy anything expensive for them and can keep your budget at the minimum of the range.

But if you’re the grandparents, or uncles and aunts, consider buying something expensive and needful for the new mum.

Here are some candid baby shower gifts etiquettes you can follow to make things easier to buy.

If you’re a co-worker, acquaintance, or a distant cousin: $20 – $30

Don’t feel bad or guilty for not buying any expensive gift for your co-worker with whom you only have a small talk at the coffee break.

You’re not obligated to buy something expensive. You can stick to buying things like children’s books, bibs, burp cloths, a nightlight, a gift set of toys, pacifiers, a pack of diapers, onesies, or a bottle warmer- the necessities.

Instead of just buying one single children’s book, you can make a gift basket, include most of these items that fit your budget, and gift it to the new mom.

On the other hand, if you’re attending a co-worker’s baby shower with whom you have worked for multiple years and have a strong bond, consider upping your gift budget, but only if you can afford it.

If you’re a good friend, cousin, or relative: $40 – $50

$50 budget is a good amount for anyone. Even if you’re a distant cousin who meets the new mom only on rare holidays, $50 is also a reasonable budget for you.

If you’re good friends, but not best of friends, you can limit your budget to $50 or $60.

You can gift the things she may need, like a travel-friendly bassinet, a baby rocker, a baby play mat, a diaper pail, and a baby bouncer. You can always look for great deals and discounts on Amazon.

Make sure you check the mom’s registry before buying something because it’s possible they might already have one, or someone has already purchased a similar product for them.

If you’re close friends, grandparents, uncles, or aunts: $100

Keep a budget of at least $100 for the baby shower gift because the couple is probably expecting something expensive from you that they won’t buy.

It’s a great way to help new parents financially, so buying items like a crib, stroller, car seat, changing table with the changing pad doesn’t become a financial burden for them.

If you’re closer to the new parents, consider buying things that will be useful for them, and they need it, instead of buying rattlers, or teethers, because, honestly, kids end up playing with everything except their toys.

So, invest in something that they need but can’t afford. You can also ask them what they need or check their baby registry for items like cribs and strollers.

Note: The above-listed budget isn’t mandatory, and you can always gift something lesser or more than the budget mentioned.

How much to spend on baby shower gifts for twins or more?

Well, you can still follow the above baby shower gifting etiquettes, but it’s also not necessary to buy multiple gifts for the number of babies to be born.

If you’re planning to buy a diaper genie or a swing, then just one is fine, but if you’re planning to buy onesies, pacifiers, toys, feeding bottles, it’s appropriate to buy one for each baby.

How much to spend on gifts for a “baby sprinkle”?

A baby sprinkle isn’t usually as grand as the baby shower. The couple may invite lesser people and will limit to close friends and families.

A baby sprinkle is to celebrate the arrival of the couple’s second or third baby, and it’s a fun get-together.

While buying a gift for a baby sprinkle, research what the couple wants.

Your gift here depends on the unborn baby’s gender, meaning if they have a boy and now are expecting a girl, then the mom will need a whole new wardrobe for the second child. But maybe they don’t need a stroller or a car seat again.

If the elder child is still a toddler and needs his stroller, then you can buy another one for the baby.

Just make sure to check their registry because they’ll probably add items they are absolutely in need of and don’t want to clutter their house with many extras.

Tips on saving money while buying a baby shower gift

  • Consider gifting a product as a group gift. If more co-workers are invited, consider splitting the $400 among 6 of you or splitting the money for the gift among cousins.
  • Search for coupons. You don’t have to pay the product’s actual price while there’s a coupon sitting ideally somewhere waiting to be used. Search for coupons that can be applied to your item and get a discount. This way, you can save extra money, and the new mom is happy too with the generous gift.
  • You can include gift sets with a theme, like a “bath theme,” with all a few bath toys, lotion, shampoo, and you’re good to go.
  • If you can’t afford a gift, a hand-stitched blanket or a knit hat will hold more sentimental value.

If nothing makes sense, you can always buy something for the mom, like a dinner for two at her favorite restaurant or a prenatal massage or a spa.


Is it rude not to bring gifts to a baby shower?

Well, some soon-to-be parents may expect gifts more than the invited person itself, but some parents are grateful simply because you showed up.

Can I give money instead of a gift at a baby shower?

Absolutely, yes. Money is a great gift to parents because this way they can buy whatever they want or like. Money can come in handy when parents have specific things in mind, like the color or the brand of a product. They can also use it for any bills or payments. So, I think money is a great option to give at a baby shower.

What is the most practical baby shower gift?

Gifts like touch and feel books, diapers and wipes, clothing sets, changing pads, muslin blankets, Lamaze toys, and teethers are usually the most valuable and practical gifts for newborn babies.


Remember that you don’t have to buy something extravagant to please everyone else. They might not even appreciate your gift, and you have also burned a hole in your pocket.

In her recent interview with Vogue, Kylie Jenner said that the best baby gift she considers is a sentimental gift. So, polish your knitting skills and knit a beautiful baby blanket if you can’t buy something for the new baby.

The baby shower is a celebration of the arrival of the new baby. Don’t focus or worry much about what you gift to the mother. I’m sure she might appreciate anything you gift her with good intent.

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Located in India and a mother to a joyfully mischievous son, Kelin is the wife of the world’s most patient man and a busy homemaker. When she’s not busy cooking and running after her kid,  you can find her in a corner reading, or penning down words on her laptop. She believes the world will always try to instil ‘mom guilt’ in new mothers, but she goes by the maxim ‘a mother knows best'.

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