Why Does My Baby Burp So Much?

Your baby spends most of his time laying down, and gas build-up is normal as your baby has little movement.

He needs help with burping, not because he’s unable to, but because it’s difficult to expel air laying on his back 24/7.

A decent burp from your baby is a relief as he gets rid of the air stuck inside his little belly.

Nobody likes to see their baby uncomfortable, but unfortunately, all parents have to experience this often.

Around 70% of the babies are affected by gas discomfort.

This could be due to excessive feeding, or your baby inhales a lot of air during feeding. Often it could also be due to an immature Gastrointestinal system.

Your baby’s GI system is still learning how to process stool and pass gas.

This happens with preterm babies, usually in the first 4 months, because the GI tract is still developing and learning patterns to process food and flatulence.

Burping your baby after every feeding

Dad sits his infant son upright and gently pats his back to help burp him.

It’s pretty common for babies to swallow air while drinking milk.

To avoid this, you can ensure they have a good latch to minimize gulping air when they flang lips over the nipple.

You should burp your baby before changing sides, along with a few gentle tapping on the back.

If you are bottle-feeding, you should ensure that you are using the correct nipple size for their age.

Always position their body a little upright with support under their head while feeding.

Although babies need to burp before and after feeding, sometimes it can be a struggle to help that trapped air get out.

Burp your baby after every 2 to 3 ounces or stop halfway, do a gentle tap on the back, and then continue with the other half.

Bottle feeding techniques

A mom is bottle-feeding her infant baby on the sofa

Take a look at the following techniques to help reduce excessive gas buildup in your baby’s tummy.

  1. Feed your baby at an upright angle to help retain milk in the stomach.
  2. Hold your baby in an upright position for 15 to 20 minutes after feeding.
  3. Try different types of bottles to understand which bottle is best at minimizing winding air and decreasing reflux.
  4. Follow the natural signs; if your baby is distracted while feeding, hold on and burp him for a minute to release pressure.
  5. Give your baby small feeding intervals (usually every 2-3 oz).

Mom, reflect on what you’re eating

It would help to look at your diet when you’re breastfeeding.

If you’ve eaten certain foods like fast food, foods that induce a gas build-up in your system, you may notice that your baby will burp more than usual.

Changing what you eat can also help relieve discomfort with gas.

Transitioning to formula

Adjusting your baby to formula could be a challenging task.

First, you need to consult a pediatrician to help understand what would be best for your baby.

Often parents struggle with finding the perfect milk formula for their baby.

But don’t worry! If your baby is gaining normal weight and has regular peeing and pooping, then he’s healthy.

Note that babies younger than six months need 2 to 3 ounces of milk per pound of total body weight, not more or less.

Your pediatrician would be able to confirm and adjust this based on your baby.

Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) occurs when milk mixed with acid backs up in your baby’s esophagus, which causes spit-ups.

This leads to slow weight gain, breathing problems, and a fussy baby.

Babies usually outgrow gastroesophageal reflux after 6 to 12 months.

Most babies that suffer from GERD are perfectly healthy.

  1. When cradling your baby, hold your baby in an upright position.
  2. While working, use a front pack to hold your baby in a straight upright position.
  3. Put your baby on his tummy and raise one knee so that his head is higher than the lower limb.

Burping and colic

You should never underestimate the power of burping as it may help reduce colic or excessive buildup of gas, which could cause discomfort to your baby.

The number of times you burp your baby is more important than the length of the time.

Frequency is better because it will help move out more of the trapped gas bubbles inside his tummy.

4 effective positions to help burp your baby

A mom is sitting her infant baby upright, ready to burp him

Burping your baby during feeding is essential; if your baby doesn’t burp, you can try the following positions.

  1. Hold your baby upright at a 45° angle.
  2. Hold your baby over the shoulder and gently tap on the back.
  3. Sit your baby upright, lean forward, hold his chin in a cupping position, and rub or pat the back.
  4. Lay your baby on his stomach and gently tap, pat, or rub the back.

3 ways to burp a sleeping baby

Sometimes newborns fall asleep during feeding. Parents are often concerned because this can cause a problem; if your baby has gulped air during feeding, it needs to be cleared through burping.

There are several tips for burping your newborn.

  1. Lean your baby’s head over your shoulder and gently rub the back in a circular motion or tap.
  2. Lift your baby towards your chest and rub the back in a small circular motion.
  3. Put your baby on your tummy so that their head is elevated, and tap the back gently between shoulder blades.

7 positions to avoid when burping

It’s frustrating for new parents to help their baby relieve gas pressure inside their stomach.

Burping is something your baby learns over time.

They need help in the first few months, when the digestive system is still immature and learning to process different physiological processes.

  1. Never feed your baby in a reclined position.
  2. Don’t curl the back of your baby while holding him in an upright position. The wrinkles on the tummy indicate that the back is curled.
  3. Don’t lay your baby flat on his back while feeding; it can cause GE.
  4. Do not bend your baby or lean forward as it puts more pressure on his stomach.
  5. Try different burping positions.
  6. Burp your baby regularly, don’t wait until they are in discomfort.
  7. Don’t feed you your baby either too fast or too slow, as it may lead to inhaling excess air.


How do you tell if your baby is gassy?

Always notice the natural signs; your baby could be grunting or spitting up.

If your baby has excessive gas build-up, you may notice that their belly is swelled and tight with gas.

What causes the gas to be trapped in babies?

Gulping excessive air during feeding leads to trapped gas.

Whether bottle-fed or breastfed, you should regularly burp your baby to relieve pressure.

How long does burping take?

Usually, it takes a minute or two for your baby to burp.

Some babies are hard to burp. If you’re having trouble burping your little one, use different mentioned positions and techniques to get that gas out.

When can you stop burping a baby?

Babys start to burp on their own around 6 to 8 months, so when you notice that your baby is burping before you burp him, then you can stop burping your baby.

When should you burp your breastfed baby?

It has been seen that many babies who are breastfed do not need as much burping as compared to bottle-fed babies. But if you have a strong letdown of milk, then it’s likely that your baby could have taken in lots of air.

You can always burp your baby when switching from one breast to another and after feeding.

How often should you burp your baby?

You should burp your baby during every feeding; burping your baby 4 to 5 times a day is more than enough to help relieve gas.


New parents are often concerned with what’s going on in their baby’s stomach. Is he gassy? Is he grunting?

When babies feed, they swallow a lot of air. Therefore, you may want to burp your baby midway through each feeding. Burping is a great technique to help relieve gas and prevent colic.

If your baby hasn’t been burped, swallowed air can cause spitting up. Burping your baby isn’t that hard; you could use simple safe positions and techniques to release pressure.

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