Does Formula Milk Help Jaundice?

Does Formula Milk Help Jaundice?

2 days after my son’s birth, I noticed that he wasn’t feeding much or latching properly. I thought maybe he wasn’t getting properly fed, so I switched to formula milk to help him gain enough nutrition and hydration his tiny body needs. But it … Read more

Can CBD Help With Postpartum Depression?

Can CBD Help With Postpartum Depression?

Just as beautiful as the birth of my newborn child was, I started getting tormented from postpartum depression. I consulted my doctor about it. Still, she brushed it off by saying, “it’s just hormonal changes,” “you have baby blues,” “it’s just a phase.” But … Read more

Why Does My Baby Burp So Much?

Why does my baby burp so much?

Your baby spends most of his time laying down, and gas build-up is normal as your baby has little movement. He needs help with burping, not because he’s unable to, but because it’s difficult to expel air laying on his back 24/7. A decent … Read more

Why Does My Baby Have Red Cheeks?

Why Does My Baby Have Red Cheeks?

Babies with rosy red cheeks look adorable. Baby skin is very light and delicate, unlike adults, and it’s more prone to damage. Most babies have naturally rosy cheeks looking like two cute apples. Red tint in the cheeks is caused by more blood flowing … Read more