Am I Feeding my Newborn Too Much Formula?

Am I feeding my newborn too much formula?

The first few weeks at home with a newborn mainly revolve around his feeding. Parents most often find themselves in a whirlwind of pumping, breastfeeding or formula-making and measuring, wondering whether their newborn is hungry or has had enough milk to last him till … Read more

When Should I Take my Baby to the Dentist?

When should i take my baby to the dentist

I don’t know about you, but for us, visiting any doctor with my 3-year-old is a real nightmare. Picture multiple kicks, holding her down, and endless heartbreaking cries. With time, we stuck with the strictly necessary. By that, I mean important vaccines and sick-time … Read more

A Day in the Life of a Newborn

A day in the life of a newborn

Looking back at my daughter’s newborn stage, I realize how overwhelmed I was by everything and how it felt like everything was spinning around me. Truth is, the constant feeding exhausts you so much that you have no time to think clearly. By the … Read more