Baby Too Big For Bassinet But Not Ready For Crib

Your baby is still a newborn, but they are a little too big for the bassinet, yet they look so small in a crib; it seems like it’s time to move them to a bigger sleeping space. If they seem running out of room when they move their tiny little hands and feet, or if they reach the age of 4 months or weight limit, which is usually 15 pounds, you’ll know that it is time.

The stage from newborn to infancy is such a blur; tending to your baby’s every need could make time fly by so fast or even drag it on some days.

Next thing you know, they can flip to their tummy, which would lead to needing more space without bumping their head or feet.

Once this happens, it’s a clear sign that they need a bigger sleeping space and are ready, even if you’re not.

4 signs that your baby is big for bassinet

1. Need more room

A newborn baby is lying down in a bassinet, and it looks like he's outgrown the bassinet

The general age for a newborn to use the bassinet is until 4 months, but since each baby has a different growth timeline, this might come sooner for bigger babies.

You’ll notice that your baby is starting to bump their head or feet on the edge of their bassinet and is getting uncomfortable being in their sleeping space.

2. Movement milestones

Your little one will start to reach new movement milestones one after another.

It usually starts earlier than 4 months, but each baby is different from the other.

Babies usually start by moving their hands and feet, testing their capacity, then they will try their strength and control their heads, it’s going to be a fast phase, and they will need a much bigger room to move.

3. Disliking the bassinet

Even though at this stage your baby can still not talk, you will get the message if they don’t like something or if they don’t want to be in it.

Your once very relaxed baby in the bassinet might not like it so much once they are ready for a bigger space or the crib.

4. Over the weight limit

The usual limit of the bassinet is about 15 pounds, and some are up to 30 pounds.

Make sure to check the label of your baby’s bassinet and for their safety, move them to a crib before they hit the weight limit.

The bassinet is built to carry your baby as a newborn, and a few months after that, once they hit a certain weight or age, it’s time to transition them to a new sleeping space.

Delta Children Essex 4-in-1 Convertible Baby Crib, Bianca White with Natural Legs

How to transition your baby from bassinet to crib

Choose the right crib

There are so many types of crib these days, from the regular, convertible, portable, pack’ n play, and a travel crib, and you need to choose based on your baby’s needs.

The size, shape, what material was used, and how it was built are all very important details in choosing a crib for your baby because it will ensure your baby’s safety and peace of mind.

Firm mattress

Make sure that your baby sleeps on a firm yet comfortable mattress.

They could try to twist and turn in their sleep, and you want to make sure that there will be no fabric that will be loose enough to cover their airways and make it hard for them to breathe.

AAP also advises that newborn babies sleep in their parents’ room for a minimum of 6 months and up to 12 months of age.

Clear sleep space

A newborn boy is sleeping on his tummy, in his crib, with nothing else around him (to prevent SIDS)

Keep your baby’s sleeping space clear of toys, blankets, excessive pillows, loose mattresses, and anything else in the crib except for the baby.

This reduces the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Lay baby on his back

Babies up to 12 months should always sleep on their backs during naps and at night.

Your baby’s air flow and breathing is easier and better when they are on their back.

This is again to prevent and reduce the risks of SIDS.

Stick to bedtime routine

If you haven’t started to establish a sleep-time routine, this is the perfect time to do so.

Ensure that the room temperature is also comfortable (between 68-72 degrees F) and the overall environment where the baby will be sleeping.

Transition gradually

Start by keeping your baby in the same room and using a different bed.

Make the change as minimal as possible for your little one to adjust easily.

You can start by making your baby sleep during naptime in your room at first, then on their first night in their own room, you can stay with them or try the chair method of sleep training.

Delta Children Heartland 4-in-1 Convertible Crib, Grey , 54.25x29.5x35 Inch (Pack of 1)


What is the best type of crib?

The best crib for each baby depends on their sleeping habits and their needs in general.

How many crib sheets do you need?

Depending on what age you are transitioning your baby from bassinet to their crib but generally, you should have 3-4 sheets ready to go.

Babies could get messy, and once they soiled the sheets, they need to go because we don’t want them to sleep in a dirty bed.


The first few months with your newborn are full of exciting and confusing phases.

We rely on what we feel and what we know to give them what they need and want since they are still working on their communication skills; their sleeping setup is definitely one.

Just make sure that they get enough sleep according to their age and are always safe before calling it a night.

We hope that this article helped you figure out what to do next. Feel free to leave us a message or ask questions in the comment section below!

Stay healthy and happy!

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Currently located in the Philippines. Mother of an active curly boy whose energy rarely runs out. When I am not busy keeping up with my son, you'll find me reading, cooking, or most of the time keeping the house clean.

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