Decoding Pregnancy Nosebleeds: Can They Really Tell if It’s a Boy or a Girl?

Unless there is scientific evidence, the sex of the baby is determined solely based on the chromosomes given by the parents. There is no link between nosebleeds and the sex of the unborn baby. Hormonal change, blood thinning with drugs, intense workouts, sinus infection, or weather conditions are possible causes of a nosebleed.

When pregnant, a woman’s body undergoes all sorts of changes, and nosebleed is among the changes. It’s quite common for you and other pregnant women to experience frequent nosebleeds.

Obviously, it’s a frightening notion, but several women wonder if the gender of the baby has anything to do with the nosebleeds.

Can a nosebleed determine the gender of your baby? The following article will give more information and answer such questions.

Can nosebleeding determine the gender of my baby?

A nosebleed, also known as “Epistaxis, “is a common condition affecting people of all ages, backgrounds, and genders.

Now, according to the old wives’ tale, a nosebleeding during pregnancy indicates that the mother is about to have a girl baby.

But over the years, there have been various reasons found behind why expecting mothers would go through nosebleeds during this period.

They can be caused by various factors such as allergies, hormonal changes, dry air, high altitude, or even certain medical conditions.

A pregnant woman is holding a balloon with a boy or girl written on it for her gender reveal party.

Specifically, estrogen and progesterone levels increase in pregnant women causing nasal congestion, increased secretion production, and blood volume in the nose. This change then manifests as nasal bleeding.

No scientific evidence has been found that proves nosebleeds occur due to expecting a baby girl, and it’s just a myth from an old midwives’ tale.

But a nosebleed isn’t always a good sign and can cause major concern, especially if you have them frequently.

What do nosebleeds during pregnancy mean?

1. Increase in blood volume

Pregnancy can lead to causing frequent nosebleeds because the blood vessels in your nose expand due to the pressure of all the new blood moving throughout your body.

The amount of blood in your body increases by as much as 50% when you’re expecting.

This causes the delicate blood vessels to burst more easily under this pressure and cause nosebleeds.

2. Dry air

Membranes inside the nose tend to dry out due to dry air, which may lead to irritation to the nasal passage, thus causing nosebleeds.

3. Hormonal changes

During pregnancy, the hormones in the body change, which causes several changes.

The hormones that thicken the lining of your uterus can impact the mucus membranes in your nose, making them more prone to bleeding.

4. Injury

In case a pregnant woman gets a cold and blows her nose too hard, it may lead to nose bleeding.

5. Medical condition

Conditions such as high blood pressure, a clotting disorder, or sinusitis may cause nosebleeds.

6. Intense workout

Workouts that are intense and involve bending or jumping are likely to cause nosebleeds.

7. Change in weather

Humidity or change in the temperature may cause the nasal passage to be dry or even cracked, thus leading to nosebleeds.

8. Blood-thinning drugs

While on blood-thinning medication, a pregnant mother may experience nosebleeds.

9. Frequent use of nasal spray

The frequent use of nasal sprays may have a side effect of nosebleeds during pregnancy, and one should seek medical attention.

How to stop a nosebleed during pregnancy?

A young pregnant woman is closing her nostrils to stop her nose from bleeding.

Here are steps to follow to stop a nosebleed:

  1. Sit or stand up to ensure your head is high.
  2. Tilt your head forward to prevent blood from going through your throat into your mouth.
  3. Apply pressure to the nostrils for about 10-15 minutes.
  4. Avoid lying down or even bending over, and maintain an upright position.
  5. To constrict blood vessels apply ice or cold pressure to the nose.
  6. If it does not stop, call a health provider to get help or visit the nearest hospital to see a doctor.

When to call a doctor?

Nosebleeds during pregnancy are usually harmless, and you should call your doctor if:

  • The nosebleeds are more frequent, meaning they are experienced more than once; it’s time to call a doctor and get checked.
  • You experience a large flow of blood that is more than the usual nosebleed amount.
  • You have a family history of the clotting disorder, which is uncommon but can be found in some pregnant women.
  • The bleeding does not stop within 10-20 minutes of applying pressure.
  • You have trouble breathing, and the fever is getting high.
  • You become lightheaded and disoriented

How can I avoid nosebleeds during pregnancy?

Here are some tips for managing nosebleeds during pregnancy:

A young pregnant woman is drinking bottled water to stay hydrated during her pregnancy and avoid getting a nosebleed.
  • Avoid picking your nose. Picking your nose may result in nosebleeds and should be avoided at all costs.
  • Blow your nose gently. Blowing your nose too hard may irritate the nasal passage and later lead to nosebleeds.
  • Use a humidifier. Running a humidifier at your home may help the air stay moist, preventing the air from drying.
  • Stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of fluids often may help to keep the nasal passage moist.
  • Avoid smoking and exposing your nose to irritants such as cigarette smoke, chemicals, and allergens.
  • Treat respiratory infections promptly to prevent them from becoming chronic.
  • Avoid spicy and hot foods that can irritate the nasal mucosa.
  • Use protective glasses when engaging in contact sports or any activity that may cause nasal trauma.
  • Avoid taking anticoagulant medications unless recommended by your doctor.
  • Maintain a healthy blood pressure by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding excessive salt and alcohol.

Concerns and misconceptions

  • Nosebleeds aren’t a sign of a serious health condition. They can just be very uncomfortable and alarming.
  • High blood pressure can cause nosebleeds, but it’s not always the case. Most nosebleeds are due to increased blood flow to the nasal passage.
  • Nosebleeds do not affect the baby at all.
  • People who are anemic can suffer from nosebleeds, but there isn’t a direct link to anemia causing nosebleeds, and it’s likely not the root cause of your nosebleeds.


Are nosebleeds dangerous for pregnant women?

No, it is one of the common symptoms of pregnancy that can make you very uncomfortable, but it remains safe for you and your baby.

Are nosebleeds a major sign of a problem during pregnancy?

Nosebleeds are not a sign of any problem during pregnancy, but you might have to see a doctor if the nosebleed persists.

Can stress cause nosebleeds during pregnancy?

Situations such as pregnancy, traveling to high altitudes, or extreme sports can all bring anxiety, which may lead to nosebleeds.

Are nosebleeds during pregnancy a sign of a boy or girl? 

Nosebleeds do not indicate the gender of a baby during pregnancy, and it is a myth that was there long ago.

Are there any treatments or medications I should avoid during pregnancy?

Antibiotics like Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), Lorazepam (Ativan), Warfarin, Chloramphenicol, and Ciprofloxacin are a serious threat to your baby. Hair dye, sunbaths, fake tanning, heavy exercise, and other X-ray treatments should be avoided for the safety of the baby.


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