Why Does My Baby Cry When She Farts?

Like all adults, babies pass gas too, several times a day, but sometimes because of gas in their tummy, it might get uncomfortable for them to release the gas. Another reason is, some newborn babies get startled by their own fart sound and might start crying. So the best possible way to reduce gas in their tummy is to improve the latching technique so that they don’t gulp air too much in between and burp them while and after feeding.

It’s quite common and normal for the human body to release gas through farting, and adults can pass gas even 23 times a day. In the same way, babies can have gas in their tummies because of gulping air while feeding or when they’re crying.

Breastfeeding babies, if not latched properly, can gulp in the air while feeding. With bottle-fed babies, if the nipple is not filled with milk fully, there’s a chance they might swallow air along with milk which makes their gut difficult to digest the lactose in the milk, making their stomach bloat and ache.

Your baby might even act distressed, crying and fussy if she’s gassy, and there are several reasons why she’s gassy.

What causes your baby to fart?

An uncomfortable baby is lying on her back and crying from discomfort because of gas.


Your baby can become very gassy if you don’t feed her properly.

Wrong breastfeeding techniques can lead to your baby gulping too much air while feeding, making her quite uncomfortable during feeding and after unless she relieves herself either from burping or farting.

While breastfeeding, pay attention to the latch. If your baby didn’t latch properly, it could lead to nipple soreness, the baby getting less milk, and chances of the baby gulping air while feeding.

So, learn to develop a deeper latch while breastfeeding.

It’ll take time for both the mother and the baby to master this technique, so don’t expect your baby to form the perfect latch on the first try itself.

If you’re bottle-feeding your baby, hold the bottle so that there’s no air in the nipple and it is filled with milk. If the nipple is half-filled with milk, your baby will gulp air while sucking the bottle.

Also, when you shake the formula in the bottle, wait for the bubbles to settle down in the bottle, then offer her the formula.


Another reason for gassy babies is constipation. Although babies are not likely to get constipated, they are more likely if they’re formula-fed or have started solids.

Breastfed babies can go for days without pooping, and when they poop, if the poop is soft and mushy, then it’s alright, but if they pass dry, hard poop, they’re constipated.

Constipation can contribute to gassy babies which can make them uncomfortable and sometimes in pain.

So, if you sense that your baby is refusing to feed or has started crying while feeding, chances are she’s gassy. Consult your child’s pediatrician if she keeps crying for more than 3 hours.

Incessant crying

Crying is the only form of communication known by a baby. So, they may cry for many reasons, like if they’re feeling too hot or cold, if they’re hungry or want to just cuddle with you.

They may even cry more because all this farting and indigestion can make them uncomfortable, and all this crying leads to babies swallowing a lot of air which has to come out somehow, and here I present your farting baby.

Gas relief remedies for babies

A swaddled baby is happy and comfortable.
  • Swaddle your baby. Your baby may find comfort when you wrap them tightly as it mimics the coziness they had in your womb.
  • Burp them while feeding when you switch them from one breast to another. Burp them after they’re done feeding.
  • While bottle-feeding, position the bottle so that nipple is filled with milk.
  • Maintain a deep latch every time you breastfeed.
  • Give your baby a pacifier. Often times baby find comfort when they’re sucking on pacifier.
  • There are massages done on the baby’s tummy that relieves them from gas. Consult your baby’s doctor before doing so.
  • Encourage tummy time. Place your baby on her tummy for as long as she wants, and let her play while being on her tummy.
  • If you’re bottle-feeding, use bottles that prevent from baby swallowing a lot of air.


What to do if the baby doesn’t burp and falls asleep?

Don’t worry. Try burping them for a minute before you lay them on their back. If they don’t burp at nighttime, it’s mostly because they eat slower and don’t swallow much air while feeding.

Does gripe water helps with gas?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has banned the use of gripe water as some formulations consist of alcohol.

Is it normal for babies to fart a lot?

Yes, when there’s a gas in their tummy, and if they didn’t burp, then the gas has to come out the other way. But, don’t worry; unless your baby doesn’t seem in distress, let her be.

How do I know if my baby has gas pains?

They’ll probably be fussier, cranky, and irritated. You might notice they won’t go to sleep, nor would they feed calmly and will be very restless and squirmy.


Farting is absolutely normal and healthy for adults as well as babies. The problem arises when your baby isn’t able to pass this gas and is bloated.

In such cases, it’s better to consult a doctor who will probably recommend a medication that will help them relieve themselves from the gas.

Don’t worry so much, mamas, let your baby fart and burp as much as they want, and enjoy it with her because from the time she starts her solids, you’ll probably run from the room when she farts.

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Located in India and a mother to a joyfully mischievous son, Kelin is the wife of the world’s most patient man and a busy homemaker. When she’s not busy cooking and running after her kid,  you can find her in a corner reading, or penning down words on her laptop. She believes the world will always try to instil ‘mom guilt’ in new mothers, but she goes by the maxim ‘a mother knows best'.

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