Breastfeeding Twins Or Multiples (Tips & Benefits)

It’s best to keep your multiple babies on the same schedule, but remember that identical twins have different personalities, appetites, and feeding patterns. Breastfeeding offers significant health advantages for all infants, and adequate quantity and quality of milk production have been documented for even higher multiples. Investing in a good pillow and experimenting with breastfeeding positions such as the football and the cradle hold, you streamline your multiple breastfeeding process. Combined efforts of family, friends, and caregivers can help you make either partial or full breastfeeding of multiple babies a success. 

Welcoming twins or multiples into your family is an extraordinary experience that brings unique joys and challenges. As a parent, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is how to nourish your little ones.

Breastfeeding twins or multiples can present parents with extreme challenges but is incredibly rewarding and beneficial for both mothers and babies. 

Amidst the challenges, 1happykiddo helps you explore the benefits, strategies, and practical tips to successfully navigate the world of tandem-style breastfeeding of your multiple infants. 

Benefits of breastfeeding twins or multiple babies

The AAP suggests that feeding twins or multiples simultaneously saves time and is easier to keep track of than nursing them at different times.

Breastfeeding twins or multiples offers numerous benefits for babies and mothers.

Here are some of the advantages of breastfeeding your twins:

Parents are happily playing with their two toddlers on the bed.

1. Complete nutrition

Breast milk is tailored to meet the specific nutritional needs of each baby.

It balances proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and essential vitamins and minerals, promoting healthy growth and development.

2. Immunological protection 

Breast milk contains antibodies and immune-boosting factors that help protect babies from infections, allergies, and illnesses.

This protection is particularly important for multiples, as they may be more susceptible to certain health conditions.

3. Bonding and comfort

Breastfeeding allows for intimate skin-to-skin contact, promoting bonding between the mother and each baby individually.

It provides comfort and security for all involved, creating a strong emotional connection.

4. Cost and convenience 

Breastfeeding twins or multiples can be more cost-effective than formula feeding.

Breast milk is readily available and does not require additional purchases.

It also saves time and effort by eliminating the need to prepare bottles and sterilize equipment.

5. Hormonal benefits 

Breastfeeding triggers the release of hormones like oxytocin, which helps the mother’s uterus contract, reducing postpartum bleeding and aiding in recovery.

It also promotes weight loss by burning extra calories.

6. Supply and demand 

Breast milk production works on a supply-and-demand basis. The more the babies breastfeed, the more milk the mother produces.

Breastfeeding twins or multiples can help establish a robust milk supply to meet the demands of multiple babies.

7. Practicality for on-the-go

Breastfeeding is convenient when you are out and about with your twins or multiples.

There is no need to carry bottles or formula or worry about finding clean water or heating equipment. Latch the babies on and feed them wherever you are.

8. Long-term health benefits

Breastfeeding has been associated with a lower risk of certain health conditions in babies and mothers.

It can contribute to reduced rates of obesity, allergies, asthma, and certain types of cancer, like breast and ovarian cancer, later in life.

How do I nurse multiple babies at the same time? 

There’s no right way to nurse twins or multiples. No one particular position or gadget is certified as the go-to method.

It’s all about what works best for you. That said, the tips below might be helpful to you and your little ones.

  1. Use twin nursing pillows. These are U-shaped foam pillows that hug your waist on both sides. They offer a soft spot for your babies to lie on while nursing. 
  2. Parents often find it easier to tandem-feed their twins. This means nursing both babies at the same time. 
  3. The most popular twin nursing position is the football hold. Here each baby’s torso is draped around the side of your body with their feet towards your back. The traditional cradle hold also works well with twins. 
  4. Other parents find it easier to nurse on a couch, on the bed, or even on the floor. The best chairs for breastfeeding twins are those with space on the sides for both babies. 
  5. For some parents, it is easier to combine nursing and breastfeeding so that family, friends, and caregivers can help feed the babies at times. 

How to keep my milk supply up with multiple babies?

A mother is pumping milk in between her work to have enough of milk for her twins or multiple children.

Here are some breastfeeding tips to help maintain an adequate milk supply when nursing twins or more babies: 

1. Establishing a routine 

Breastfeed both babies simultaneously whenever possible, as this helps stimulate milk production.

Maintain a schedule that includes frequent nursing sessions, typically every 2-3 hours during the day and 3-4 hours at night.

Breastfeed your twins on demand. Like when they show hunger cues which may include rooting, sucking motions, or restlessness. 

2. Optimize breastfeeding positions

The Mayo Clinic encourages twin breastfeeding moms to experiment with different positions to find what works best for them and their babies.

Utilize pillows or breastfeeding cushions to support the babies comfortably while nursing. Make sure the babies are latching and feeding well. 

Latching might be an issue if the twins were premature at birth because preemies take time to learn to eat effectively.

A mom is breastfeeding her newborn in a football hold side-lying position

Positions like the football hold or side-lying can be particularly helpful for nursing twins.

3. Practice efficient breastfeeding techniques

Encourage effective milk transfer by ensuring a proper latch. Start by correctly positioning the first baby, providing a latch and a good seal around the nipple.

Once the first baby is nursing well, similarly place the second baby. 

You can use breast compression techniques to help the babies get more milk.

Gently compress your breast with your hand while the babies are actively nursing, increasing the milk flow and allowing them to drink more.

If you’re supplementing your breast milk with formula, nurse the babies first, then formula-feed them.

The more you breastfeed your twins, the more your body will receive signals to produce more milk.

Consider seeking guidance from a lactation consultant for personalized support.

4. Pump between feedings

Adding pumping sessions between nursing sessions can help stimulate milk production and maintain a good supply.

A double electric breast pump will make your work shorter and easier than a manual or a hand pump.

Ensure the flanges are the right size to maximize efficiency and save time. 

5. Take care of yourself

Proper self-care is crucial for maintaining milk supply.

Nursing may leave you thirsty, stay well-hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and prioritize rest whenever possible. 

Consider incorporating lactation-friendly foods like oats, fenugreek, and fennel into your diet, but consult a healthcare professional before trying herbal supplements.

Stress can also affect your milk flow.

You may want to focus on relaxing activities during the breastfeeding session, like practicing deep breathing or playing quiet music.

Getting some fresh air and gentle exercises each day will also help reduce your feelings of stress 

6. Seek support 

Joining local breastfeeding support groups or connecting with other mothers of twins can provide invaluable guidance and encouragement.

Consult with a lactation consultant if you think you’re not producing enough milk for your twins and any other concerns or challenges you may encounter.

Factors that may play a role in milk production include having a C-section, blood loss, previous breast surgery, and thyroid issues.

How do I know if my twins are getting enough feed? 

There are many ways to gauge if your twin babies are getting enough milk.

Signs that all is well include:

  • Your little one’s eating at least every 2-3 hours or at least eight times a day for the first two to three weeks.
  • Your twins are having at least one or two bowel movements on the first two days and at least two on days three and onward. The twins might also poop after every feeding as your milk production increases.
  • If the twins are gaining about 6-8 ounces a week for the first four months and 4-6 ounces weekly from their fourth to seventh month.
  • When you can hear your babies swallowing while nursing.
  • When your breasts feel softer after nursing.
  • When the babies feel satisfied for one to three hours between feedings.
  • When your babies wet 2-3 diapers daily in their first few days and at least six diapers a day after the first 4-5 days. Their urine should be pale yellow or almost colorless.


Can I still breastfeed if one of my twins is unable to latch? 

Yes. If one of your babies cannot latch, you can pump your breastmilk and feed it to them through alternative feeding methods like a bottle, a cup, or a supplemental nursing system. 

What positions are best for breastfeeding multiple babies? 

There are various tried and tested positions you can try to breastfeed both your twins at one go, such as the cradle hold, the football hold, or the side-lying feeding position.

Experiment until you find what works best for you and your babies. 

How can I ensure each of my twins gets enough milk?

Pay attention to their individual cues and feeding patterns.

Offer each baby both breasts during a feeding session to ensure they receive adequate milk.

Should I supplement with formula milk for twins or multiples?

In most cases, breastmilk is sufficient to meet the nutritional needs of twins or multiples.

However, there may be situations where supplementation is necessary.

Consult with a lactation consultant or a healthcare provider for guidance.

Can I still breastfeed if I have sore nipples?

Yes. You can breastfeed with sore nipples, but it’s essential to address the underlying cause of the pain.

Proper latch and positioning, nipple care, and seeking support from a lactation consultant can help alleviate discomfort.

How often should I breastfeed twins?

For the first few weeks, your multiple babies need to breastfeed eight to twelve times daily. That comes down to about once every two to three hours, day and night, with each session lasting about 20-30 minutes.

You should wait for each baby to signal they’re done before calling it quits. When they’re done nursing, the suck-to-swallow pattern will slow down to about four sucks to one swallow.


You may want to read the post below to help you embrace this breastfeeding journey and savor those precious moments of nourishing your twins or multiples, or singlets with the extraordinary gift of breast milk. 


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Hello, I am Emelda from Nairobi, Kenya. They simply call me mama Lilly. A fun of long road trips and a very good cook, along with my mommy duties to a super active girl. She inspires and challenges me in equal measure, and that is how I get to share with you our journey of triumph as we grow and tag you along.

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